English translation for "uniform laws"
- 统一法
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Uniform law on the international sale of goods 国际货物出售统一法 | | 2. | They may be used to interpret or supplement international uniform law instruments 通则可用于解释或补充国际统一法的文件。 | | 3. | To establish an uniform rule of naturalization , and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the united states 制定合众国全国统一的归化条例和破产法 | | 4. | The author studies the unilateral regulation , the bilateral coordination , the regional cooperation and the regulation of international uniform law 笔者从单边规制、双边协调、区域排和国际统一法规制四个不同的方面来加以论述。 | | 5. | According to the traditional view recourse should , even in such cases , be had to the principles and criteria provided in domestic law , be it the law of the forum or that which would , according to the relevant rules of private international law , be applicable in the absence of the uniform law 根据传统的观点,即使是解释国际法律文件,仍须依照国内法规定的原则和标准,该国内法可以是法庭地法,或者是根据国际私法的有关规则在缺乏统一法时予以适用的国内法。 | | 6. | The first part is summarization that briefly introduced the origin , definition and judgment of the demand guarantee . on the other hand , it illuminates the economic analysis and evaluation direction . the second part is about the international uniform law of demand guarantee , which mainly introduced the " uniform rules for demand guarantee " ( urdg ) and " united nations convention on independent guarantee and standby letter of credit " 第二部分是见索即付保函的国际统一法,由于见索即付保函在使用上所具有的国际性和国际贸易法领域法律统一化的趋势,因此这一部分介绍《见索即付保函统一规则》 ( urdg )和《独立担保和备用信用证公约》 。 | | 7. | 7 of the 1980 un convention on contracts for the international sale of goods cisg , is based on the assumption that uniform law , even after its incorporation into the various national legal systems , only formally becomes an integrated part of the latter , whereas from a substantive point of view it does not lose its original character of a special body of law autonomously developed at international level and intended to be applied in a uniform manner throughout the world 这种做法在最近的一些公约中的确已得到了明确的认可例如参见年联合国国际货物销售合同公约第条。这主要是基于这样一个推论,即国际统一法即使被引入各个不同的国家法律体系,它也只是作为后者不可分割的一部分,从本质上讲,它并没有失去其作为一种特殊法律实体在国际领域自主发展并在世界范围内以统一法方式适用的原有特性。 | | 8. | 3 a state which ratifies , accepts , approves or accedes to this convention and is a party to either or both the convention relating to a uniform law on the formation of contracts for the international sale of goods done at the hague on 1 july 1964 1964 hague formation convention and the convention relating to a uniform law on the international sale of goods done at the hague on 1 july 1964 1964 hague sales convention shall at the same time denounce , as the case may be , either or both the 1964 hague sales convention and the 1964 hague formation convention by notifying the government of the netherlands to that effect 批准接受核准或加入本公约的国家,如果是年月日海牙签订的关于国际货物销售合同的订立统一法公约年海牙订立合同公约和年月日在海牙签订的关于国际货物销售统一法的公约年海牙货物销售公约中一项或两项公约的缔约国。应按情况同时通知荷兰政府声明退出年海牙货物销售公约或年海牙订立合同公约或退出该两公约。 |
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